What an amazing week we had as a family at Yellowstone National Park! We saw everything from bears and wolves, to Elk and Buffalo. We saw some of the most amazing scenery in the world. I especially loved the Yellowstone falls (lower falls of the Yellowstone river) with the different hikes you can take to view it from different areas. Taking 3 kids down the hundreds of stairs on the Uncle Tom's Trail was a bit never racking for Karen, but we made it and we have the pictures to prove it! The entire trip was amazing. We stayed at the Grizzly RV park in West Yellowstone and would enter the park everyday during the morning hours. We'd stay in the park until dark and then head back to the trailer for the night. Most nights we wouldn't get back to the trailer till around or after midnight. That is how much fun we were having.
I couldn't believe how much driving you have do when visiting the park. Each day we'd put on about 120 miles or more, but it was worth it. We did a lot of hiking. I think we went on about 15 different hikes. One of them was with a Ranger since we needed to do that for the Junior Ranger program that the kids were doing. Kaylee and Konnor got their official Junior Ranger Badges (Kase is an honorary one since he was too young to do the official one).
I made this fun video that gives you an idea of the fun we had:
I had to hike about a mile and climb a hill for this pic, but it was worth it. |
Bottom of Uncle Tom's Trail. Can you say EPIC Stair decent? |
On a hike, Yellowstone Lake. |
"Never Racking for Karen" ha ha. It was nerve racking, a bit scary -my legs were shaking.